
Time & Sales

Updated: 16 Jul 2024 15:15
SGX Symbol:
Last Done:
Day's Range:
0.835 - 0.840
Volume ('000):
% Change:
52 Weeks' Range:
0.785 - 1.080

Statistics with reference to last done price of - on 16 Jul 2024

  No. of Trades Average Trade Size ('000) Weighted Average Price
Total 10 7.610 0.83869
Above n.a. n.a.
Equal 9 6.233 0.84000
Below 1 20.000 0.83500

Time & Sales on 16 Jul 2024

Page : All | 1 |
Date :
Time Type Last Done Chg Volume ('000)
Total Change
15:15:17 Buy Up 0.84 - 76.1 2.5
15:15:17 Sell Down 0.835 -0.005 73.6 20
15:11:11 Buy Up 0.84 - 53.6 10
13:25:56 Buy Up 0.84 - 43.6 10
11:45:23 Buy Up 0.84 - 33.6 0.2
11:09:25 Buy Up 0.84 - 33.4 10
11:08:16 Buy Up 0.84 - 23.4 18
10:45:06 Buy Up 0.84 - 5.4 0.3
09:41:18 Buy Up 0.84 - 5.1 5
08:58:06 Preopen 0.84 - 0.1 0.1


Buy Up refers to transactions done in buying from the sell queue
Sell Down refers to transactions done in selling into the buy queue
Mid refers to married deals
Preopen refers to the transcation done during the preopen period at 8:59
Preclose refers to the transaction done during the preclose period at 17:05
Adjust refers to the transaction done during the lunch adjustment period at 13:59 or after a trading halt
Unknown refers to deals where there isn't enough information to determine the "Type"
A green cell represents an increase in price over the previous value.
A red cell represents a decrease in price over the previous value.
A highlighted grey row represents a trade whose value is more than $150,000.


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  2. Many of the data inputs (including share prices) are obtained from third party sources for which we assume no responsibility.
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